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Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) are becoming a part of clinical practice and healthcare policy making in EU member states. Appropriately developed and successfully implemented CPGs are one of the tools to improve the quality and equity of medical care. The process of de novo CPG development is costly, time consuming, and require vast human resources. Thus, to prevent unnecessary duplication of efforts and resources, adaptation of the best available CPGs to local conditions and circumstances is, in our experience, an option for virtually all European countries. Having extensive experience in CPGs development, adaptation on a national or regional level, and implementation on an institutional level we recognize, that there is no organized framework (method) that is valid, reliable and useful for addressing various problems and barriers to CPGs adaptation in different countries. We perceive a pressing international need to exchange opinions about these obstacles and develop effective strategies to overcome them.

We propose organization of a European conference bringing together the key stakeholders involved in the development, adaptation, and implementation of CPGs. Through lectures and small group workshops we intend to: (1) create or increase the awareness of the importance of proper development, adaptation and implementation of CPGs at the local level; (2) compare practice and regulations related to CPG across Europe; (3) define potential problems and challenges in CPG adaptation to local conditions in different countries in Europe and propose possible solutions; (4) organize formal working groups dealing with issues associated with CPGs adaptation to local conditions, involving potential partners in future European project on CPGs adaptation (ADAPT project); (5) integrate actions and efforts of various research groups interested in CPG development, adaptation and implementation in Europe.

Solutions to problems shared across Europe agreed upon or proposed during this conference will be used as a basis for further international and inter-organizational coordination and cooperation.


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